Thursday, 6 May 2010

Simplicity and the art of the film (and tv) poster

Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication… or so Leonardo daVinci was reputed to have said. It's also a hard trick to pull off.

One of the thinks I like to watch when I'm vegging out in front of the box are cooking shows like Masterchef… where often the greatest dishes the cooks are the simplest ones… maybe four main ingredients, but each element cooked to perfection and presented beautifully. And often it's the way these simple elements are combined that creates something unique, new and great.

Isn't that a bit like design? You may have seen some of these illustrations on the web before… but what I like about them, no, what I LOVE about them, is their sophisticated simplicity. Often avoiding the obvious, they show an understanding of the movie/show they illustrate, in the simplest possible form. There's often an element of humour too, that rewards the viewer with a little 'smile in the mind' when they get the joke.

They're by a designer/art director known as HEXAGONALL and there's tons more of this kind of stuff on his website, (and lots of other great stuff too… including motion graphics) but not a lot of personal information about him. In fact I don't even know it is a him, there I go again 'assuming', but the work just feel masculine. 
One more 'simplicity' quote for y'all… Albert Einstein was reputed to have said "Make everything as simple as possible, but no simpler". That just about sums up this post so I'll stop writing. 

Posted via email from CrocodileJock's Blog

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