Wednesday, 9 March 2011

FIDO Electric Scooter

With shenanigans in the Middle East causing fuel prices to hit record prices at the pump… people are taking alternatives a bit more seriously. Part of the answer may be smaller, more efficient cars… like the Smite… or the Morgan ThreeWheeler, recently launched at the Geneva Motor Show.

But as usual, I'm ahead of the curve. (Actually, I'm SO far behind the curve, I can't even see it). As in their original heyday (surprisingly this was the nineteenFIFTIES not the sixties as many people think)… there has also been a rise in the sale of scooters… good news for Lambretta if they get round to launching their new models.

There are also new, innovative solutions such as this electric scooter being developed by Jeb Gast at FreemontMotors in Seattle. Named FIDO, this little puppy bears more than a passing resemblance to the original "open-framed" Lambretta's… Models A to D… Although the Lambretta clearly had a petrol engine!

Much of the thinking behind Fido is similar to that of the original Lambretta… such ease of use and maintenance by the owner. There are nice touches, such as the removeable, underseat baggage pack that can be worn like a rucksack when not on the scoot, the battery pack located under the footboards, which can slide out for easy recharging (just swap a spare in). The range is projected at 30-35 miles… which makes it an ideal commuter ride, while the projected top speed of 45mph isn't going to break any records, it isn't too shabby. If they get this thing made, and priced right, I reckon they could sell a ton of them.
Find out more on FIDO here.

And if you want something a little more classic looking, Freemont's pals Soundspeed Scooters have an electric Vespa in development. Personally, I'm holding out for the electric, Series II based Lambretta… oh, wait a mo, they're working on THAT too! wow!

Posted via email from CrocodileJock's Blog

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